PWDU Staff Say Thank You To Our Referees would like to thank all the referees across Australia, any professional wrestling match taking place on Australian soil would not be possible without the talent, dedication and professionalism of our referees. We know you are appreciated by the companies you work for, the wrestlers themselves appreciate every effort you make. This past week has been a way to say thanks and celebrate the role of the referee as part of ‘International Referee Day’ (Oct 11) on behalf of fans and the media.

Below are comments from some of our staff members and contributors as we close out our referee week here at

Continue to scroll down the page for links to training schools across the country where you can train to actually become a referee and participate in our great Australian wrestling scene.

“I’d like to take a moment to thank wrestling referees for their dedication and crucial role in bringing the stories we love to life inside the ring. Your professionalism and hard work often go unnoticed, but you’re an essential part of the wrestling industry.”Rhys Williams

“My favourite referee moment was during a SLAM! Main event. Ricky South was challenging Luke Watts and was arguing with the ref a lot. Eventually the ref snapped and slapped Ricky. Definitely one of the greatest moments I’ve seen from a ref.”Barrett Bannon

“We are grateful for all the third men and women in the ring, for all you do to complete the puzzle of professional wrestling. You are the final piece that makes everything work the way it does. Without you and your often thankless dedication, our favourite sport wouldn’t be what it is. This is for all of you, thank you.”Samuel Beeton

“It takes three to tango, the “striped zebras” aka referees in the match serve a fundamental purpose. They account for time, check for injuries, communicate to the wrestlers and unlike Hogan, they really are the “third men”/ women. Thanks to all our referees for your blood, sweat and tears shed across the squared circle.” 🙏 Andrew Hawton

“I don’t know why we’re even having a referee week, most of the referees are blind and can’t count to 3 properly. They always get distracted by someone on the outside of the ring. They constantly ruin my wrestling viewing. Pay more attention please..” – Marek

“I once had a dream to be a referee as they’re just important to the match as the wrestlers themselves. I wanted to train and be part of the brotherhood of referees. My memories are watching the Hebner brothers, and my favourite referee the late Mark Curtis.

Referees are a great bunch always ready to take a serious bump sometimes even taking part in match if you remember the days of ECW where referees would do high flying moves too.

It’s great we can honor the great referees past and present.”Dave Harding

“I’m looking at training to become a referee. Always admired the work of referee’s.”Brad Gillies

“Many thanks to the referees who shared their insights and stories. Some untold, it was a pleasure reading these stories and experiences these referees have. Thank you for contributing to the wonderful scene. Without a referee, there is no match.”Andrew Stewart

“The referee is one of the most important positions in all of wrestling. Their job is to maintain a strict time structure as well as make sure that everything runs smoothly.” Scott Veal

Thank you to all the referees that participated in PWDU Referee week, Graham ‘Fozzy’ Young, Aubrey Edwards, Michael Jameson, Ref Hannah, Ref Rach, Nigel Pearson, Jhonny Puttini.

All-Star Wrestling Australia (NSW)“If there’s anyone looking to become a referee, I highly recommend the All-Star Wrestling school. The trainers are teaching not only the wrestlers but the referees so well. Referee Jeremy is proof of that. He’s become so good in such a short amount of time.” – Nigel Pearson

Southern Territory Wrestling (WA)“Honestly I didn’t go to a school for training or anything. I started with Southern Territory Wresting and all I had was my decades of experience watching as a fan. They started me off with the ‘simply’ matches and I progressed from there.” – Nick Green

Newcastle Pro Wrestling (NSW)“The House of Free Fighting is a great place to train at with good trainers and keen trainees. They’ve got two amazing Refs based there in Hannah and Rach who are doing shows across the state and are more than happy to help you out. I’ve had a lot of good opportunities in wrestling and owe a lot of that to the training I got there.” – Referee James

Mayhem Pro Wrestling/Relentless School (VIC)“It is an honor to be trained at the Relentless School of Pro Wrestling by Big Rig Fox, JXT, and Jake Navara. I wanted a way to study and better understand the nuances and finer details of wrestling. Becoming a referee looked to be the best way. I never intended to wear the stripes for too long, but somehow I just can’t stop.” – Sarge

Professional Championship Wrestling (VIC), Riot City Wrestling (SA), Explosive Pro Wrestling (WA), Pro Wrestling Australia (NSW), Three Count Pro Wrestling Academy (QLD), Wrestle Rampage (SA), many other good schools across Australia search your local area on google.

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