Strong Women Are Not Simply Born, We Are Forged. The Shewolf.


Strong women are not simply born, we are forged.

In 2020, I made my pro wrestling debut. But The Shewolf had been brewing all my life.

In the ring I do my best work as a nasty hard-hitting heel full of attitude who spits blood in people’s faces and never misses the opportunity to deliver a horrible low blow.

I am a savage lady werewolf heavily inspired by the movie Ginger Snaps and other horrors, the themes of Rob Zombie, metal music and the sex appeal and cheek of Elvira – but in honour of International Women’s Day, I am here to offer a little insight into my journey of becoming a pro wrestler. A peek behind the curtain – The Shewolf is a testament to the strength a woman can possess all by herself and if I can inspire one girl or woman to rise to her full potential, my legacy is made.

I have lived a life much like a horror movie – one nightmare to the next – but no matter what I have been through, somehow I found the strength to get back up on my own two feet and come back better, like any good supernatural monster villain – I always come back.

I was raised by a single mother, we did it tough, but she did the best she could. Both my parents suffered with their mental health and addictions – I lost my father to suicide at the age of 4 – and my mother’s life was suddenly cut short due to domestic abuse at age 60, just before I turned 25.

I fell into a deep depression for the next few years, pushing 100kg at 5 foot 3 and trying to end it all as I felt there was no way out of my situation. I was several years deep in a violent and controlling relationship myself. The only enjoyment and escape I found was in watching pro wrestling. But this isn’t a story of defeat. Every hardship was like the tempering of a blade – which does not become strong until it’s been through the fire.

The only thing I’ve ever been 100% sure on in my entire life was becoming a pro wrestler – but I didn’t look like the women I grew up watching. I had always been chunky – and at that point in my life I was SO overweight I felt like I was just going to be stuck that way forever – that is until I found Jordynne Grace. Seeing her body transformation – and kicking male and female ass all the same in the ring – gave me a realistic idol I could draw major inspiration from and in 2019 I had the opportunity to meet her.
When we spoke I couldn’t help but blurt out “I’ve always wanted to be a wrestler and I would love to wrestle you one day!” Her response was “Well, I won’t be doing this forever” and that flipped the switch in my brain.

At the age of 27 – I turned my life around and got to chasing after that dream. By June 2020 I had shed 35kg and built more muscle than I ever dreamed I could – and began my wrestling training. I had spent so many years of my life caged, controlled and miserable and I wanted to flip that all on its head and unleash the fury of an untamed and wild werewolf woman on the world. I left all of the things holding me back behind me and The Shewolf emerged.

I wanted to be an inspiration to little girls and women to embrace their wild feminine strength within. To break out of the boxes women are put in, to show that you can be in the absolute depths of hell and scratch and claw your way back to being on top, living your dream, with only yourself to rely on. It is never too late to take back your power. To be bold, outspoken, hostile and so much more than just something nice to look at – as the great Luna Vachon said “In a world full of butterflies, it takes balls to be a caterpillar!”

The progression of wrestling allowed for intergender matches and strong women to be showcased – and I couldn’t wait to be a part of that. The Shewolf is force of nature – and in that ring I feel like I can do just about anything.

I learned how to wrestle and was mentored by my long time idol, Dean Draven at Wrestle Strong Dojo. I debuted in November of 2020 – captured my first Tag Team Championship within my first year and held onto it for just over a year.

Once I spread my wings, I wrestled up and down the east coast carving a name for myself and found a home base at Suplex Pro Wrestling in Newcastle. I worked my ass off and trained my heart out.
Early on in my career, I was given the gift of being paired with The Problem Child, Jake Gibson. He is truly underrated – a dedicated athlete with a phenomenal brain for wrestling in so many aspects. A true wrestlers wrestler. Over the years I have learnt so much from him.

In 2023 we exploded onto the Tag scene as INSURGENCY. Insurgency by definition is an active revolt or uprising. The violent struggle of a group of people who refuse to accept a larger authority. A Rebellion. Fed up with our mistreatment and being held down, we united and together we captured the Suplex Tag Team Titles and have become a dominant force in NSW Tag Team Wrestling. People even tried to sue us for standing up and speaking out. But we have proven to be unstoppable and we are more than willing to come to your town and beat up your favourite tag teams.

As of the time of this article, I have wrestled at WSD, Suplex, NCPW, All Star Wrestling, Yo Loco Lucha Libre, Venom Pro Wrestling, Nightfall Wrestling Alliance, ICW, Wrestling GO, AWE and Extreme Capital Wrestling. I have had some amazing matches against men and women, my notable favourites with Kyla Knight (first EVER all indigenous womens match) and the veteran Flame – and I’m not done yet!

I am yet to capture a Womens Title – and there’s always room for more Tag Titles too! So what’s next? You tell me, Pro Wrestling Downunder…

Follow me on Instagram to find out! @thebigbadshewolf

Sleep on me, I’ll be your nightmares.

Strong women – may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them – may they wrestle!
Happy International Women’s Day from The Shewolf!

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