This Was Never My Dream, But It Became My Dream. Miss Fortune

This was never my dream, but it became my dream.
Written by Miss Fortune.
Professional wrestling. A crazy wild world where a regular girl in 2018/2019, with no real ambitions, no dreams, no idea that Australian Professional Wrestling even existed, stumbled into this world and later became known around Victoria as Miss Fortune. Wrestling for companies such as Adrenaline Professional Wrestling (former Tag Team Champions with Skylar Cruise as “Influential Fortune”), Alpha Pro Wrestling, MXW (current Heavyweight Champion having recently had a successful defense at Night 2 of Wrestlefest against Mitch Connors), Brainbuster and DMDU and recently making her debut in South Australia at PWSA tagging with Happy Kai as “Happy Fortune” for the PWSA Tag Team Championship Titles.
A little back story, to me I guess! Truthfully, I never really stuck to anything growing up. I would find something, enjoy it for a while, but then quit. Going from gymnastics, to all kinds of dancing, to trampolining and tennis. Nothing really ever stuck until I found basketball, something I believed I truly excelled in. We were trained with the boys and trained to be strong. I was not shy of a little contact, in fact, I kind of thrilled in taking a “bump” on the court and getting to take my two free shots. I was driven, motivated, and had dreams of playing basketball for Australia until one night, they were cut short by two ligament tears in my ankle, before the game warming up. What did I do? Strapped my ankle and went on, because… The show goes on. Although, the months following proved I couldn’t be strong and the show came to an end. Any dreams and hope I had for my life and future, gone. Broken dreams and a box full of trophies.
Now, I knew what WWE was as a child, my brother and dad would watch it here and there, so sure, I remember what wrestlers looked like from a certain period, big characters etc. The moment that always stood out to me the most was Jeff Hardy climbing up the truss of the titantron and jumping off like a maniac, the thrill and the reaction. Maybe I was a bit more into than I really remember. But after life moving on, parents divorce and moving away with my mum, growing up having to focus on life, it never ever crossed my mind and I completely forgot wrestling existed, until I was 21 years old and found myself surrounded around people who were immersed in the world of professional wrestling and in turn, introduced me to the world of our local Australian scene starting with Adrenaline Professional Wrestling.
My in ring journey began one night when I attended a training session, only intending to watch. I was given the opportunity get in the ring and take that first bump. The immediate adrenaline rush that went through me, I was hooked. Next thing I know, I’m taking my first German suplex from “Matty Wild” and it’s the most insane feeling I’ve ever felt. The look on my face and people’s reactions. It was something I couldn’t describe. This only fed my hunger to try more daring, more exciting and “dangerous” stunts. Having my trainers see potential to try something new, having me push back immediately saying no, but then feeling that drive inside me to say “challenged accepted” and to prove to myself that I AM capable and I will never know if I don’t at least try. Anything is possible, and showing up every day giving it all that I can has proved that.
I’ve been incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to learn and trained under some incredibly experienced wrestlers (Jayson Krash, Joel Bateman, Zane Zodiac, Kris Law, and all my fellow workers) and have had the incredible opportunity to attend seminars held by NXT’s Bobby Fish, WWE’s Brian Kendrick, NXT’s Trent Seven, Jimmy Lloyd, Dimitri Alexandrov , Matt Tremont, Neil Diamond Cutter, Kelly Anne and Alan Payne.
All of these experiences have led me to absolutely falling in love with the sport of professional wrestling and while it’s been one of the hardest things mentally, physically and emotionally, it has been by far the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life. I have met some incredible people and made what feels like lifelong friends, memories that I can cherish forever and battle scars that remind me of the incredible moments and the standing ovations from the crowd. This world, while scary, and unknown, can be so magical, and all I hope is that I can continue making magic in the ring for as long as my body allows me.
Professional wrestling leaves us with so many wild whacky stories to tell, that we will never truly would have the time to share every single one, but thank you for taking the time to not only read this small fraction of my life and experiences with professional wrestling, but supporting me along what is just the beginning of my journey.
-Miss Fortune