All Elite Weekly – REVOLUTION week 03/03/25 – 09/03/25

Another week down, another All Elite Weekly coming at you. This time we are gonna change things up a little bit due to the addition of AEW’s Revolution PPV which took place over the weekend.


This week we are coming to you from the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium in Sacramento, California. Ian Riccaboni, Excalibur and Taz are on the commentary duties and boy does the venue look good.

Don Callis Family / Bryan Keith vs Orange Cassidy / Will Ospreay / Mark Briscoe / Powerhouse Hobbs

Strange bedfellows in this match. It was more of an “everyone get your moves in and make the crowd happy” style of match rather than to advance any real story.

WINNERS – Powerhouse Hobbs / Will Ospreay / Mark Briscoe / Orange Cassidy

Cope vs Wheeler Yuta

This match was Cope’s chance to take out Yuta and have a clean one on one for Revolution. Instead, we got a good back and forth between the two and at the end Cope sowed the seeds of doubt in Yuta’s head.


Kris Statlander / Thunder Rosa vs Megan Bayne / Penelope Ford

A few awkward spots throughout the match for this one. Bayne and Ford seem to gel well together as a team. It seemed like Rosa was trying to give a receipt for the incident that happened last week, but it felt kind of strange.

WINNERS – Megan Bayne / Penelope Ford

Jay White vs Max Caster

Max Caster is out with one of his open challenges again and this week it is Jay White answering the call. Jay hits the Bladerunner and this one is over.

WINNER – Jay White

Swerve Strickland / Brody King vs Kazuchika Okada / Ricochet

A strange pairing of teams, but as you can seem to expect going into the PPV, we get the unique tag matches. It was great to see Brody in the main event match of the show. Clearly this match was designed more to advance the stories going into the PPV for both teams.

WINNERS – Ricochet / Kazuchika Okada


Once again, we are at the Sacramento Memorial Auditorium in Sacramento, California, this time Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuiness are at the commentary table.

The Opps vs Starboy Charlie / Titus Alexander

The Opps are here and do what they do. The team of Charlie and Alexander get no offense in and Shibata his the PK for the win

WINNERS – The Opps

Serena Deeb vs Momo Watanabe

Momo showcasing her talent and putting on a solid match with Serena was not on my cards for this one. I am one of those who thinks Serena is great in the ring, but her character seems to be flatter than a surfboard. This was a great match for what it was. The winner unfortunately was very obvious. Also, Momo hitting the Meteora was a perfect touch.

WINNER – Momo Watanabe

Harley Cameron vs Tatevik

Tatevik blasts Cameron from behind before the bell starts and she looks like she is going to destroy Cameron. Harley fights back and hits a Shining Wizard for the win.

WINNER – Harley Cameron

The Infantry vs Undisputed Kingdom

A good match for what it was. Building on the tension from last week’s Collision. It is good to see STP getting some showing on the “main roster” shows of AEW. It’s good to see AEW giving us some tag matches with actual tag teams. Let’s make the tag division relevant again.

WINNERS – Undisputed Kingdom

Hologram vs Dralistico

If you love Lucha then this is your match. A showcase of athletics and choreography. A few spots where things seem to miss, but definitely was a highlight of the night.

WINNER – Hologram

Outrunners vs Premier Athletes

Outrunners have the crowd behind them and them getting the title shot at Revolution was unexpected. The distraction from Hurt Syndicate served its purpose in this one. Total Recall for the win from Outrunners.

WINNERS – Outrunners

AEW TNT CHAMPIONSHIP – Daniel Garcia (c) vs Lee Moriarty

An excellent pro wrestling match for the main event of Collision. Garcia with the TNT Championship has been a bit flat, but his title defenses have been good (aside from the Adam Cole one). Moriarty getting a shot at the title was a great decision and seeing both men put on a classic style match was great.

WINNER and still AEW TNT CHAMPION – Daniel Garcia


Coming out of Los Angeles we are at the Arena with the commentary table going through a revolving door tonight.

MJF vs Hangman Page

A feud that has technically building since AEW started was always set to be a good quality time. Hangman and MJF have both taken different paths to get where they are today. The video package hyping up the match was perfect for the match.

Hangman comes out to his old music today bu.. wait, nevermind, that’s MJF playing mind games. Hockey fight to start. Hangman gets the better of the exchange and boots MJF in the corner. MJF uses the referee as a distraction and eye pokes Hangman. Arm ringer into the corner by MJF and he’s in control.

Jawbreaker by MJF gets a one count. Hangman looks for a hurricanrana but MJF catches him and powerbombs him on the knee! MJF gets a running start and hits Hangman with his… groin. Hangman powers up now and lays in some hard right hands. MJF spits in his face instead. Now an eye poke. MJF proclaims that it’s his company, so Hangman hits a big fall away slam. MJF rolls to the apron and Hangman looks for the double jump clothesline, but MJF ducks it, so Hangman hits him on the rebound. Hangman wants the Buckshot but MJF sees it and rolls to the far apron, so Page follows him and boots him in the face.

Orihari moonsault by Hangman! Hangman rolls MJF in the ring and lines up the Buckshot, but MJF sees it and again, and stumbles into the corner. Hangman charges in the corner and gets elevated up and over, but MJF catches him with a superkick upside down. Alabama Slam by MJF, right into a deadlift hammerlock DDT! Two count. Low superkick by MJF and he looks for a piledriver, but Hangman countes with the Deadeye! Two count. Hangman charges and MJF sends him to the apron, where he looks for the Heatseeker, but Hangman boots him in the face. Buckshot! One, two, no! MJF gets the foot on the ropes just before the three count.

MJF tries for the Salt of the Earth, but he’s got nothing left. Hangman spits in his face now and hits a huge lariat. Hangman lines up the Buckshot again, but MJF rolls to the outside of the ring, again. Hangman lines up MJF on the outside and charges but misses and hits the steel steps. Another Buckshot attempt by Hangman, but MJF ducks and locks in the Salt of the Earth! Hangman tries to get to the ropes but MJF pulls him back into the center and transitions to a crossface. MJF uses the bottom rope to spring off and transition to a straight armbar. Hangman reaches for the bottom rope but MJF traps both arms! Hangman barely gets to the bottom rope with just a toe, but it causes the break.

Hangman rolls to the outside and MJF follows, grabbing the headset from Tony Schiavone and letting us know he’s the f’ing man around here. Hangman thinks tombstone, but the injured arm prevents him from holding him up. Moonsault off the corner of the guard rail, right into a tombstone position on MJF! MJF reverses, and tombstones Hangman on the unfolded chair! MJF rolls in the ring and waits for the countout, as the doctor checks on Hangman. Hangman barely makes it in before the ten count, as MJF is crying screaming “WHY YOU AND NOT ME?! MJF wants the Heatseeker but Hangman holds on to him, walks in the middle of the ring, and hits the Deadeye! ANGEL’S WINGS! That was the hardest Angel’s Wings I’ve ever seen in my life. Hangman rolls to the apron, MJF barely gets to his feet… BUCKSHOT!

WINNER – Hangman Page

AEW TBS CHAMPIONSHIP – Mercedes Mone (c) vs Momo Watanabe

Mercedes recently has really found some strange way to bring it on PPV / the big shows. Momo was no ordinary contender for Mercedes though and it was really on show here. Momo made Mercedes work and was hitting her hard right from the first bell.

Snap mare by Momo, who taunts Mercedes by feigning a PK. Mercedes attempts a head scissors but Momo thinks about a tombstone, before Mercedes rolls her up for two. PK to the arm by Momo, as Mercedes tries to shake it out. Meteora by Momo but Mercedes rolls through and locks in a crossface.

Momo makes it to the ropes and then shoves Mercedes off, but Mercedes rebounds with a Meteora under the middle rope! Both women jockey for position on the apron now, but Mercedes finding her feet on the floor and thinking powerbomb and DRILLS IT. BRUTAL! Momo gets rolled in the ring and somehow kicks out at two. Meteora by Mercedes gets two. Mercedes looks for the Mone Maker but Momo counters with a Strong Zero. Two count.

Three amigos now by Mercedes, but Momo counters the third suplex and looks for three amigos of her own. Mercedes also blocks it on the third. Momo traps Mercedes in the tree of woe and LAYS in to her with roundhouse kicks to the chest. Pair of running dropkicks in the corner by Momo, and now a leaping dropkick in the corner. Mercedes ducks under with a huge backstabber. Another Meteora by Mercedes. Two count.

Chops in the corner by Mercedes but she misses a pair of knees and Momo delivers some big roundhouse kicks. Momo goes to the middle rope and CRUSHES Mercedes on the apron with a pair of knees. Somehow, Momo only gets a two count. Momo charges in the corner and Mercedes gets the knees up. Statement Maker in the center of the ring! Momo gets near the ropes, but Mercedes pushes off, rolling back over, and both women gets to their feet with their arms locked. Powerbomb by Mercedes! Long two count.

Mercedes goes up top looking for the frog splash, but Momo is there with a high kick. Avalanche spinning uranage by Momo! Two count. Release half-and-half suplex by Momo. Another two count. Peach Sunrise is blocked, so Momo retains wrist control and just kicks Mercedes in the face a bunch. Momo misses a dive off the top and Mercedes responds with a diving crossbody. Mone Maker in the middle of the ring. Statement Maker is locked in. Momo taps!

WINNER – Mercedes Mone

AEW WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Number One Contenders Match – Ricochet vs Swerve Strickland

Even though the stipulation for this match was only decided recently, it was absolutely perfect and helped push this feud with the two men up the card. No one can doubt that Ricochet is definitely being given the opportunity to shine in AEW.

Ricochet is out wearing the cape of the Embassy. “You are bald” chants to Ricochet and that’s just unfortunate. Move-for-move early as it’s a stalemate. Snap mare by Swerve and a diving European uppercut to the back of the neck. Back suplex by Ricochet and the fight spills to the outside.

Swerve now putting the boots to Ricochet and Nana tries to intervene on the outside, preventing a DQ, and Ricochet shoves him to the ground. Nana gets upset and says F this, and leaves Swerve! Springboard clothesline by Ricochet and a moonsault back in the ring. Two count. There are some comedians in the front row heckling Swerve… Leslie Thomas, maybe? And the crowd is here for that. Swerve is up with a pair of clotheslines. Ricochet tries a diving cutter but Swerve puts on the breaks and hits a vertical suplex.

Ricochet rolls to the apron, and flies back in with a springboard dragonrana! Two count. Deadlift powerbomb position into a powerslam by Swerve! Two count. Both guys fight for control on the apron now, Poisonrana by Ricochet! Ricochet now has Swerve on the announcer’s table and both guys trade right hands. GRINGO KILLA BY SWERVE ON THE ANNOUNCER’S TABLE… AND THE TABLE DOESN’T BUDGE! BRUTAL.

Both guys barely make it into the ring, but Swerve goes up top. Swerve Stomp! One, two, no! Swerve catches a low blow, but Ricochet gets it anyway. Northern Light suplex by Swerve, who holds on, and hits a brainbuster! Ricochet goes up top… 630 senton! One, two, no! Nana is here to grab the robe back, as Ricochet and Swerve jockey for position and Ricochet gets sent outside, taking out Nana with a suicide dive. Swerve dives and Ricochet catches him, and it’s a Death Valley Driver on the floor! Ken Jeong is in the front row and Ricochet is all about it. Big Pressure by Ricochet! Two count.

Nana pulls the robe off of Ricochet, and Swerve rolls him up, but Riccohet sends Swerve into Nana in the corner. House Call by Swerve! Another House Call! One, two, no! Big Pressure! One, two, three!

WINNER and No 1 Contender – Swerve Strickland

AEW CONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP – Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Brody King

Fight spills to the outside quickly as Brody chops the nipples off of Okada. King tries a crossbody against chair, but Okada moves, and Brody eats steel.

DDT on the floor by Okada. Back in the ring and Brody fires some more chops in but misses an avalanche in the corner. Body slam by Okada. Okada goes up top but Brody follows with a double chop and a superplex. Elbow suicida by Brody!

Okada tries to grab the title, but Brody stops it and crushes him between guard rails with a running cross body. Senton by Brody gets two, back inside the ring. Lariat by Brody! Okada counters a powerbomb with the Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker! Long two count.

Okada thinks about… something, but Brody comes back with a Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckles. Cannonball! Two count. Okada brings a chair in the ring, as a diversion, and blasts Brody with the title instead. Rainmaker attempt but Brody comes back with a lariat of his own! Brody tries for the Ganso Bomb but settles for an avalanche in the corner. Dropkick by Okada! RAINMAKERRRRR! That’ll do it.


AEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP – Outrunners vs Hurt Syndicate (c)

Vertical suplex by Floyd and a pair of dropkicks sends Benjamin to the outside. MVP is heated and gives his guys a pep talk. Lashley is in now and he puts the shoulder to Magnum in the corner.

Magnum gets tossed to the outside and Lashley bounces him off of the LED board, and apron, and LED board, and apron. Back in the ring, Benjamin with a release German suplex. Two. Canadian Stampede out of the corner by Lashley and that gets a long two. Floyd gets a hot tag and an awkward exchange with Benjamin.

Body slam. Magnum knocks Lashley off the apron and YOU SON OF A BITCH double elbow drop. Two count. On the outside, Magnum sends Lashley into the steel steps. Floyd grabs a knuckle lock and goes old school off the top with a twisting arm drags. Superkick by Benjamin. Spinebuster by Lashley. Running step up knee to Magnum. One for Floyd. Lashley spears everyone. One, two, three.



MAY ATTACKS DURING STORM’S ENTRANCE AND HERE WE GO! Crowd is stoked for this one. Both women attempt to suplex the other off the stage May settles for a big DDT. Two count.

Again, this is Falls Count Anywhere, too. May pulls out a TAZER but Luther grabs it from her. May kicks Luther low and shotgun dropkicks him through a table but lands AWFULLY HARD on the ramp. Sky High off the stage by Storm! Two count.

Both women fight to the ringside area where Storm crotches May on the LED board and then DDTs her off! Two count. Stuck piledriver on the steps by May and Storm is busted open! Storm is locked in the corner and May hits a running hip attack in front of a steel chair. Storm and May now tape their knuckels up, and DIP THEM IN BROKEN GLASS. IT’S A THAI PEI DEATH MATCH. AXL AND IAN ROTTEN STYLE.

Jab to the face by Storm! Storm dumps the broken glass in the middle of the ring. MAY CRACKS A CHAMPAGNE BOTTLE BETWEEN THE LEGS OF TONI STORM. WHAT ARE WE SEEING? Both women are on the top rope now and May head scissors Storm into the glass.

MAYDAY INTO THE GLASS! STORM ZERO ON A CHAIR. ONE, TWO, NO. MAY RUNS UP THE RAMP AND GETS HER FACE STOMPED ON BY STORM. Storm now whips May with the championship belt. Storm has the shoe and threatens May, buy May counters with MayDay on the ramp! One, two, no! STORM IS STABBING MAY WITH THE SHOE IN THE FACE. STORM ZERO THROUGH THE TABLE. ONE. TWO. THREE.


AEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP – Konosuke Takeshita (c) vs Kenny Omega

Back chop by Kenny and a chop to the chest. Takeshita-line! Omega dumps Takeshita to the outside and follows up with plancha over the top. Don Callis escapes the commentary table to momentarily put the boots to Omega. Omega introduces Takeshita to the top turnbuckle but Takeshita comes back with a kitchen sink, targeting the abdomen.

Takeshita sets up a table on the outside as both guys fight on the apron. Omega dunks Takeshita’s head! You Can’t Escape by Omega, who looks for a moonsault, but Takeshita is up and shoves Omega across to another guard rail, where he lands stomach-first! Takeshita is waiting inside the ring for Omega, who eats a hard elbow. Two count. Brainbuster by Takeshita! Two count. Omega returns with a You Can’t Escape back inside the ring, and he connects with the moonsault this time. Two count. Franksteiner by Omega.

TERMINATOR DIVE, well, kind of, as Don Callis trips Omega up and Takeshita clotheslines him over the top and to the floor. Release German suplex on the floor by Takeshita! The table is set up and Takeshita drops Omega stomach-first on the edge of the table. Back in the ring, Takeshita delivers a pair of sentons. A third senton and Omega gets his knees up. Takeshita powers through and body slams Omega, but misses a senton off the top! Omega is back to his feet and both guys are laying in some sturdy right hands.

Takeshita drops Omega with a left hook to the body and a right elbow to the face. Takeshita thinks about a Takeshita-line but Omega ducks and it’s a snap dragon suplex! V-Trigger! Powerbomb by Omega! KNEE TO THE FACE! ONE, TWO, NO! Takeshita avoids a V-Trigger and SPIKES Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Helluva Kick in the corner! Takeshita sets Omega up on the top and elbows him off, hard, to the floor. Takeshita now up on the top and Omega springboards in with a Sunset Flip powerbomb! V-Trigger! Omega thinks One Winged Angel but his midsection can’t hold up, and he crumples.

Omega thinks about a second One Winged Angel, then tries a tombstone. Reversal. Tombstone by Takeshita! Takeshita holds on! Stands up! DOUBLE OVERHOOK TOMBSTONE! Two count! Power Drive knee! Two count. ANOTHER POWER DRIVE KNEE! ONE COUNT! THE PLACE ERUPTS! Ripcord knee by Omega. Stump piledriver! Two count.

Poisonrana by Omega! Both guys are down and Callis has once again left the announce desk. V-Trigger! Omega wants the One-Winged Angel but Callis holds on to Takeshita from the outside. Omega kicks Callis’ hands and Takeshita grabs him from behind, thinking about the Raging Fire. Omega counters with a crucifix. One, two, no! Takeshita rolls out, Omega holds on, crucifix again. One, two, three!


STEEL CAGE MATCH – Will Ospreay vs Kyle Fletcher

Ospreay tries to handspring but the ankle hits the cage and Fletcher takes advantage of the situation. Fletcher uses the cage first, bouncing Ospreay’s head off the cage. Ospreay is bleeding early, and Fletcher licks the blood off of the chain link. Gross.

Fletcher mounts Ospreay and delivers some punches in the corner, targeting the cut on the forehead. Fletcher sends Ospreay into the corner but he launches to the top rope, turns around mid-air, and comes off the top with a Phenomenal Forearm. Now Ospreay sends Fletcher into the steel a few times, and a standing Sky Twister Press gets two. Ospreay traps Fletcher between the ropes and the cage, delivering a bunch of hard chops that cause the skin of Fletcher to break. Fletcher back up with a half-and-half suplex.

Running leg lariat in the corner by Fletcher, but Ospreay comes back with Cheeky Nandos! Ospreay catapults Fletcher into the cage Both guys fighting on the top rope now as Ospreay is able to knee Fletcher to the mat. Twisting press to Fletcher gets two. Fletcher crotches Ospreay on the top rope and boots him into the steel. High angle Last Ride by Fletcher, who sits out with it, gets a two count. Rolling elbow by Ospreay and Kawada kicks to the face.

Both men exchange Kawada kicks at this point, before Ospreay delivers a trio of the hardest elbows I’ve ever seen. Both men trade powerbomb attempts until Ospreay spikes Fletcher with a DDT. Double underhooks by Ospreay but Fletcher counters with a brainbuster! Two count. Mark Davis is walking down to the ring, and he brings a pair of bolt cutters.

Davis breaks the lock and throws a chair in the ring, as well as a black belt full of… who knows what. Ospreay kicks the cage into the face of Davis, before pulling out a barbed wire baseball bat! Ospreay goes to the stomach and back of Fletcher, before raking it across his face! Ospreay channels Cactus Jack as Kyle Fletcher begs for mercy, putting on the United Empire arm band. Ospreay gives him the finger but Fletcher goes low on him. Fletcher shoves the arm band in Ospreay’s mouth before taking a swing with the bat and missing.

Hidden Blade! Storm Breaker! One, two, no! Davis breaks up the pin! Davis now chokes Ospreay out, and hugs Fletcher. Ospreay throws the chair in the face of Davis and hits the Hidden Blade! Oscutter from darn near the top of the cage! One, two, no! Ospreay wraps the barbed wire around the elbow and chases Fletcher down, who’s trying to escape.

Fletcher is at the top of the cage where he finds his screwdriver, and stabs Ospreay! A bunch of times, actually. Brainbuster by Fletcher! Two count. Fletcher opens the chair and BRAINBUSTER ON THE CHAIR! 2.9999! Fletcher now unloads a bag of thumbtacks… Ospreay counters a powerbomb.. STYLES CLASH ON THE THUMBTACKS! 2.999! Fletcher tries to escape the cage but Ospreay follows, as both guys are seated atop the cage. Ospreay has the screwdriver and he stabs Fletcher with it! Super Duper Spanish Fly from the top of the cage!!! Ospreay drops the elbow pad. Fletcher is screaming at Ospreay that he FING HATES HIM. HIDDEN BLADE. TIGER DRIVER.  ONE. TWO. THREE.

WINNER – Will Ospreay


Moxley takes his time getting to the ring and here we go. Back body drop on the hard floor on the outside! Cope tries for a spear but Moxley gets the boots up and stomps him on the floor! Back in the ring, Moxley lock in the bulldog choke, but somehow Cope gets to the ropes Piledriver! Two count.

Moxley locks in the bulldog choke once more and Cope is pretty far from the ropes here. Cope fights off the submission, but it’s taken its toll. Referee Bryce Remsberg accidentally gets blasted with a spear, and now there’s no referee. Paradigm Shift.

Moxley is fed up, and he goes to get a pair of chairs. Double clothesline. Yuta is here, and he looks conflicted, but he still hits Cope with the Busaiku Knee! Yuta slides the briefacase in the ring, but Jay White is here and he BLASTS Cope in the face with the briefcase, on accident. White was looking for Moxley on that one but Moxley ducked. Yuta fights White to the back.

The referee is back in this one, and Moxley covers for the one, two… no! Moxley isn’t happy and he continues to yell at the referee, so Cope spears him! Two count. A second spear by Cope. Make that three! One, two, thr-no! Someone pulls the referee out of the ring. it’s Christian Cage!

Christian cracks Cope with the briefcase and signs the contract…  that makes this a three-way match! Spear to Cope! One, two, no! Killswitch to Cope! One, two, no! Moxley locks in the bulldog choke on Christian! Christian tries to cover Cope with one hand, but he can’t. Moxley adjusts the choke… Christian goes out! Moxley wins!



This week was a very mixed bag for the “weekly shows”. We got some great matches but at the same time some stories did not flourish. However, in saying that when they get to PPV, it is a completely different story. Somehow AEW bring it all to PPV.

The weekly shows this week for me, were not where it was at. The PPV however brought the action and stepped it up a notch, except for the main event. The main event suffered from having all super crazy matches go before it.

In the ultimate world, I would have moved Toni Storm vs Mariah May to the main event, especially when at the end of their match we got the visual of The End on the screen.

I loved that at Revolution we got an idea of where AEW is going in the future with a lot of stories ending as well as the crowning of the new number one contender in Swerve.

I could sit here all day and tell you what I loved and hated, but Revoultion is something that has something for everyone.

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