All Elite Weekly – GSA Week – 10/2/25 – 16/2/25

Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s another week and it’s time for another All Elite Weekly, this time with some Aussie flair.
Dynamite this week was taped at the H-E-B Center at Cedar Park, in Cedar Park, Texas on Tuesday night due to some of the roster flying out to Australia for Grand Slam.
Max Caster vs Hangman Page
Caster starts this one by trying to run and hide from Page through the crowd. Hangman catches up with him and gets him back to the ring. Caster hits a hurricarana which will be the only offense he gets in before Hangman destroys him with a couple of lariats and then the Buckshot for the three count.
Winner – Hangman Page
AEW Trios Championship – Undisputed Kingdom vs Death Riders (c)
The UK take the fight to The Death Riders early on the outside and here we go! Wait, I lied, commercial break as Kyle dropkicks Pac in the corner.
Back from break and Pac backs Roddy up to the DR corner as they exchange quick tags. Chin lock by Claudio and a trio of splashes in the corner as we go to.. another commercial? Aright then. Back from break and Kyle gets backed up into the DR corner and Pac bounces his had off a few turnbuckles.
European uppercuts by Claudio and a chin lock by Claudio, this time to Kyle. Stomps by Yuta, who’s now legal, as Kyle locks in a straight ankle lock… only for Claudio to quickly break it up. Spinning back kick by Pac but a kitchen sink by Kyle, as he tags Roddy. Jumping leg lariat to Pac and a leg trapped back breaker to Claudio. Running boot to Yuta. Back breaker to Pac. Gut buster (that missed completely) by Roddy, back stabber by Cole, and a running roundhouse by Kyle gets two.
Back breaker by Roddy and Kyle goes up top, but Yuta dumps him off the top and Claudio back suplexes Roddy, before making the tag. Hart Attack gets two on Roddy. Claudio boots Kyle and Cole off the apron and it’s a series of European uppercuts in the corner, as we head to our third commercial break of the match. Back from break and Roddy runs into a huge dropkick from Yuta. Hard chops and a running clothesline by Strong.
Cole gets the tag and it’s clotheslines and pump kicks to Yuta. Ushigaroshi attempt but Yuta sends Cole into Pac and NOW it’s the Ushigaroshi. Two count. Cole side steps a charging Claudio and Kyle comes off the apron with a running knee. Pac springboards into an ANTI-AIR SUPERKICK! Axe and smash and a high knee/superkick by the UK! Two count. Double suplex by Claudio.
Fastball Special to Kyle but he gets the knees up. Flying knee by Roddy takes out Claudio as Kyle rolls up Yuta for a 2.9999! Superkick by Cole. High/low to Yuta! Pac breaks it up! Kyle locks in an ankle lock as Claudio swings Strong into the guard rail. Claudio grabs a chair and gets in the ring, but Cole is here with a superkick. Yuta goes low on Kyle behind the referee’s back and he rolls him up for the win.
Winners – Death Riders
Katsuyori Shibata / Samoa Joe / Hook vs Rosario Grillo / Aaron Solo / Jon Cruz
T-bone by Hook to Solo. Machine gun chops by Shiabata and Joe to Grillo . Trip by Shibata. Senton by Joe. Cruz attacks Joe but gets chopped and Muscle Bustered. Finito.
Winners – The Opps (Joe / Hook / Shibata)
MJF vs Dustin Rhodes
MJF attacks the arm of Dustin early and here we go. MJF mounts Dustin in the corner and teases the Goldust spot, but Dustin walks him out of the corner with a powerbomb and both guys are down.
Reverse atomic drop by Dustin and a running boot to the face. Mounted punches in the corner by Dustin and a bulldog out of the corner! Final Reckoning attempt but MJF blocks it and double stomps the outstretched elbow off the top rope.
Salt of the Earth by MJF but Dustin counters it. MJF fakes a Cross Rhodes and Dustin counters with one of his own! Long two count. Crowd is on their feet for their hometown hero.
Both guys trade cradles and two count. MJF fakes a knee injury, which allows him to piledrive Dustin for two. MJF grabs a chair and wraps it around Dustin’s wrist, but the referee takes the chair and MJF finds himself crotched on the middle rope.
Shattered Dreams! Final Reckoning! One, two, thr-no! Dustin tries it again but MJF arm ringers him to the ground. Final Reckoning by MJF! Dustin is out at two, but MJF locks in the Salt of the Earth. Dustin inches himself to the ropes but MJF pulls him back to the ring and MJF switches to a crossface. Dustin goes out!
Winner – MJF
Megan Bayne vs Maya World
Goozle and a shoulder block by Bayne. Bearhug and a belly-to-belly suplex. Two. Bayne drags World to the corner and delivers a bunch of shoulder blocks. Running clothesline by Bayne. F5 finishes this one.
Winner – Megan Bayne
Kris Statlander vs Penelope Ford
Statlander misses a splash but goozles Ford. Ford bridges out of a clothesline and rolls Statlander up for two. Delayed vertical suplex by Statlander for two.
Wheelbarrow by Statlander but we’re going to commercial instead. Back from break and Statlander has Ford up in a fireman’s carry, but Ford counters with a poisonrana!
Ford tries to follow up with a running avalanche in the corner, but Statlander avoids it and it’s time for a discus rana. Wednesday Night Fever.
Winner – Kris Statlander
AEW Tag Team Championship – Hurt Syndicate (c) vs Gunn Club
Shelton starts this match by dumping Austin with an overhead belly-to-belly and we’re going to a commercial break already. Back from break and Lashley it is disposing of Colten around the ringside area, putting him through the LED board.
Crowd is on fire for the main event, as they have ben all night. Austin goes over Lashley and Benjamin and tags Colten. Flying clotheslines to everyone. Clothesline in the corner and the crossover neckbreaker on Benjamin gets two. Ankle pic by Benjamin but Austin flies in with a dropkick.
Assisted Bloclbuster to Lashley! Northern lariat and a Fameasser to Austin! Two count. A long one. Austin gets the tag, and the Gunns think 3:!0 to Yuma but Lashley steps in and runs through everyone.
German suplex by Shelton. To Austin. To Colten. To everyone. High angle spinebuster by Lashley to Austin. Running step-up knee by Benjamin and Lasley finishes this one with a huge spear.
Winners – Hurt Syndicate
A really decent lead into the first ever Australian show that was to come. The consistency of AEW over the past couple of weeks has been fantastic and it is great to see that they seem to have found their stride again. It was great to see the Gunns back in action and the crowd was really hyped for everything that was happening throughout the show.
AEW Grand Slam Australia is coming to you from the Brisbane Entertainment Centre located in Queensland. Nigel McGuiness and Tony Schiavone are on commentary for this one.
Will Ospreay / Kenny Omega vs Kyle Fletcher / Konosuke Takeshita
All four guys stand across from each other as Fletcher and Ospray start. Shoulder block by Fletcher and a tag to Takeshita, as Don Callis joins the commentary table. Pump kick to Omega on the apron, and Fletcher is back in. Corkscrew kick by Ospreay to Fletcher and Omega gets the tag! Arena erupts! Cross body to Fletcher and a YOU CAN’T ESCAPE but Fletcher does… only to get hurricanrana’d.
Omega prepares the Terminator dive but Takeshita cuts him off from behind. Kitaro Crusher to Takeshita after Ospreay makes the save. Ospreay calls the shots… double Terminator dives! Fletcher sends Ospreay into Omega’s midsection and Takeshita gets the tag. Kitchen sink by Takshita. Phenomenal Forearm by Ospreay! Snap dragon by Omega! Exploder by Takeshita to Omega! Cheeky Nandos to Takeshita! Spanish Fly to Fletcher!
Back from commercial and it’s a hook kick by Fletcher! Fletcher counters a powerbomb with a powerbomb attempt of his own, but Ospreay counters with a DDT! Fletcher blocks the OsCutter but Ospreay counters with another DDT. Don Callis grabs the foot of Ospreay and that allows Fletcher to capitalize with a half-and-half suplex! Ospreay has to make the tag to Omega, and Takeshita goes low with some hard body shots. Flying clothesline by Takeshita.
Ospreay comes in with some Kawada kicks, but gets dumped with a German suplex for his troubles, after a rolling elbow. Takeshita with a double German to both Ospreay and Omega! Fletcher and Takeshita think Superbomb, but Omega counters with a hurricanrana off the top. Sky Twister Press by Ospreay to Fletcher on the outside! Powerbomb by Omega to Takeshita and a V-Trigger! Two count. Omega thinks about another V-Trigger but Takeshita rebounds with a Blue Thunder Bomb.
Omega tries a Poisonrana but it doesn’t work, as Takeshita falls straight down and Omega lands on the back of his head. Both guys are down here. Another V-Trigger against the middle turnbuckle, and Omega is thinking about the One Winged Angel. Wait, Omega walks to the middle rope! Takeshita fights off but Ospreay springboards in with an OsCutter off of the top!
Omega runs into a thrust kick by Fletcher but Ospreay is back with the Hidden Blade. Ospreay wakes up Omega and sends him into Takeshita with a V-Trigger. Stereo Storm Breaker/One Winged Angel attempts, but Fletcher and Takeshita counter a pair of tombstones! Two count. All four guys are down in the middle of the ring and they’re slugging it out. Fletcher goes to the eyes of Ospreay and it’s a pair of rolling elbows and thrust kicks.
Powerdrive knee by Takeshita gets a two count on Omega. Sheer drop brainbuster by Takeshita! Ospreay breaks up the pin and covers Omega, trying to save him. Brainbuster attempt by Fletcher but Ospreay counters with Stundog Millionaire! Hook kick. Ospreay tries the Hidden Blade but runs into a lariat by Takeshita. Omega blocks a Powerdrive knee and fires in some right elbows. Takeshita hits the ropes and runs into a flying knee by Omega.
One Winged Angel attempt by Omega but Takeshita runs him into the corner and Fletcher is here with a running boot in the corner. Takeshita sets Omega up on the top turnbuckle, but Omega slides out underneath and drops Takeshita on the metal, face-first! Ospreay dives over the turnbuckle and takes out Fletcher on the outside. Omega has Takeshita up in a One-Winged Angel, as Ospreay comes off the top with a Hidden Blade! One, two, three!
Winners – Will Ospreay / Kenny Omega
TBS Championsip – Mercedes Mone (c) vs Harley Cameron
Roll up by Cameron gets two. Head scissors into a Russian Leg Sweep by Cameron. Arm drag and a bulldog over the top rope.
Axe kick by Cameron and it’s allllll Cameron so far, as she pulls out the Mini Mone puppet! Mounted punches in the corner by Cameron, but Mone throws her off and tosses the Mini Mone puppet after stomping on it.
Running Meteora by Mone gets two as we go to commercial. Caeron fires back with some right hands and a pair of clotheslines. Mone blocks a third and hits the Three Amigos. Mone tries a frog splash but Cameron gets the knees up.
Tear drop suplex by Cameron gets two. Mone fires back with a back stabber and a baseball slide that sends Cameron to the floor. Cameron found Mini Mone! Mone misses a baseball slide and Cameron hammers her with Mini. Diving crossbody off the top and an AUSTRALIAN DESTROYER! TWO COUNT!
Powerbomb by Mone. Meteora off the top gets two. Cameron comes back with a series of cradles, getting two counts eveywhere. Drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle and a 619 by Cameron! Cameron goes up top but misses the Swanton bomb. Mone Maker finishes this one.
Winner – Mercedes Mone
Brisbane Brawl – Death Riders vs Cope / Jay White
Cope is out first to a hero’s welcome, and the fans start singing Cope’s music after it stopped. Super cool moment.
FIGHT ON! Claudio and Cope fight through the crowd as White whips Moxley into the guard rail on the ramp. White tries to get a ladder but Marina Shafir interjects herself, allowing Moxley to hit White from behind. White tries a plancha and Moxley blasts him with a trash can lid. On the other side of the arena, Cope jumps off of a balcony somewhere on to Claudio.
Moxley chokes White and puts him on a table at ringside. Moxley goes up top but Cope comes out of nowhere to make the save. Cope tries to superplex Moxley from the top to the floor, but Marina Shafir blasts Cope from behind with a kendo stick.
White grabs Shafir but Claudio uppercuts him, and then powerbombs Cope through the table! Commercial break. During the commercial, Claudio swung White into a garbage can. Cope is up and off the top with a double clothesline.
White has a broken kendo stick and lays in to both Moxley and Claudio. Moxley grabs the stick and Claudio throws him into a chair that was wedged between the ropes. Death Riders think Doomsday Device but White gets free and throws Claudio into Moxley.
White now sends Claudio into a chair and Bladerunner! One, two, no! Wheeler Yuta is here out of nowhere to make the save. Yuta lays into White with a leather belt but White is eating it. Bladerunner to Yuta! Moxley is here with a stomp out of nowhere.
Cope pulls Moxley out and posts him at ringside. Cope measures Claudio for a spear and puts him through the table! Spear for Moxley! Copeland heads underneath the ring and finds a barbed-wire covered chair!
Copeland lays into Moxley with the chair and sets up a Con-Chair-To! Marina Shafir is here with a briefcase to the face and Claudio hits the Neutralizer! Two count. Moxley grabs the bulldog choke, but Cope refuses to tap… but he goes out!
Winners – Death Riders
AEW Continental Championship – Buddy Matthews vs Kazuchika Okada (c)
Matthews offers a handshake but Okada gives him the finger instead. Both guys trade head locks and hammer locks. Okada misses a dropkick early as Matthews misses a stomp.
Tieres by Matthews and we reset. Okada tries to leave, and Matthews calls him a wanker, forcing Okada back in the ring and right into a kitchen sink and a big knee drop. Okada slides outside again, and Matthews follows up, throwing him into the barricade and then back in the ring.
Big boot by Matthews but Okada is back with a flap jack. Matthews goes up top and Okada dropkicks him off the top to the floor. Commercial time. Back from break and Matthews comes off the top with a Meteora. Two count.
Okada catches Matthews charging… Air Raid Crash neckbreaker! RAINMAKER F U POSE. Body slam and a lazy elbow drop by Okada. Matthews grabs the finger! Hard elbow by Okada but Matthews counters with a GTS! Matthews misses a curb stomp… RAINMAKER! One, two, no! Okada rolls outside to grab the belt but gets stomped when he comes back in the ring! Two count.
Murphy’s Law by Matthews! One, two… NO! Okada gets the boot on the rope… somehow. Okada rolls outside and Matthews follows, only to get DDTd on the floor! Okada takes his time rolling back in the ring and decides to go up top instead. Matthews is there with a rising knee. Superplex by Matthews, who holds on.
Jackhammer! Standing Clover Leaf a la Rhea Ripley by Matthews! Okada fights out, barely, and sends Matthews into the referee. Okada goes low behind the referee’s back and finishes this one with the Rainmaker!
Winner – Kazuchika Okada
AEW Women’s World Championship – Mariah May (c) vs Timeless Toni Storm
Luther is in crowd and welcomes… “Timeless” Toni Storm!
HOCKEY FIGHT TO START. Slingblade by May and a shotgun dropkick. Back suplex by Storm. German suplex by Storm. The crowd wants one more time… and they get it! Make it four! Five. Six.
May rolls to the apron and Storm follows, feigning a German on the floor, but May counters with a leg trip. Shotgun dropkick by May sends Storm into the guard rail. Comercial.
Back from break and Storm fires out of the corner with a pair of clotheslines. Sky High by Storm! Two count. Storm locks in the STF but they’re too close to the ropes, but instead… May bites her way out of it.
Both women on the apron now and Storm misses a running hip attack, hitting the ring post. May hits MayDay on the floor! Back in the ring, May comes off the top with a shotgun dropkick and Storm is seated in the far corner. Running hip attack by May!
May wants Storm Zero but Storm counters with MayDay! Two count. Running hip attack by Storm! Well… make that two! Three! Storm Zero! One, two, no! May is dead weight and Storm picks her up, but May counters with a back drop driver.
MayDay. A second one. Two count! May with some paint brushes in the corner but Storm runs out of the corner with a powerbomb. Storm Zero! May rolls out of the ring! Storm pulls May back in the ring but May drags her into the middle turnbuckle. Storm Zero by May. May thinks about MayDay, but Storm cradles her and gets the win!
Winner and new AEW Women’s World Champion – Timeless Toni Storm
Grand Slam Australia for all the criticisms absolutely blew it out of the park. It delivered a set of PPV quality matches for the fans in attendance and everyone who watched it. We got to witness history in the making with the tag teams of Omega / Ospreay and White / Cope. The crowd was into the show right from the get. While it is a common trope for the hometown wrestlers to win all their matches in their hometown, Tony Khan went with his gut on this one and continued the story for a lot of the feuds coming out of GSA and into Revolution in March. Also keep an eye out for my upcoming article for Grand Slam Australia about my experience in attending the show.
Hello, I’m Scott aka RAZ. I’ve been an avid wrestling fan for over 30 years and have dabbled in both the world or pro wrestling and music. Previously commentated for Iron Fist Pro in South Australia, I now focus on more of the mainstream wrestling and run a few shows on YouTube where I breakdown the most recent happenings. Glad to be part of the team here at