A Hero’s Wisdom to be Shared in Chris Hero Speaking Seminar

AEW Grand Slam Australia Weekend in Brisbane has led to a rare and amazing opportunity for Pro Wrestlers and Trainees around the country to grab with both hands should they so desire.
Three Count Pro Wrestling Academy in collaboration with Pro Wrestling League and Renegades of Wrestling have organised a speaking seminar with the legendary pro wrestler Chris Hero on Friday 14th February at Eatons Hill Hotel, Brisbane, the venue of the Pro Wrestling League and Renegades of Wrestling Super Show.
The internationally renowned Hero with over 25 years of in ring experience, is a producer and coach with All Elite Wrestling and will undoubtedly provide invaluable insights that would be beneficial to Pro Wrestling trainees, active competitors and experienced veterans alike – The man is a wrestling genius after all!
The Knockout Artist has also wrestled in WWE, Ring of Honor, wXw, CZW, Chikara, Evolve and PWG and has won many top singles championships and tag team championships the latter in a tag team with Claudio Castagnoli as ‘The Kings of Wrestling’. It is very safe to say that some incredible wisdom will be shared from someone who has seen and done so much in the squared circle, so don’t miss this very special opportunity.
The seminar is $85 and to attend this rare event and sit under the learning tree of Chris Hero, contact Three Count Academy via direct message or Instagram or Facebook, or email threecountprowrestling@gmail.com
Another bald, bearded wrestling adjacent guy, fantastic…Got into Wrestling thanks to Optus Vision and Turner Classic Movies channel, which aired Nitro, then Foxtel when I finally got to enjoy WWE live each and every week. This evolved into a love of many a different iteration of the artform, but the one I’m passionate about the most is the high level on display across this country – The Australian professional wrestling scene! That’s why I’m here, that and I was far too uncoordinated to ever attempt to do it myself.