ROBBO’S 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS #7: Rock N Roll Wrestling

Well, we’ve travelled around the country and we’re sure to do so again before this series is done, but for today, we’re in my home state of New South Wales. My name’s Robbo, I love wrestling more than just about anything, especially Aussie wrestling. And today’s entry is what really started it all for me.
Day 7: Rock N Roll Wrestling (NSW)
From what was once the UWA, Rock N Roll Wrestling sprouted in the Wollongong region around 2014, priding itself on providing quality family-friendly entertainment. My first memory of Rock N Roll is from 2015- once the advertising came on my radar, and I was made aware that there were pro wrestling shows happening a literal 5 minute walk from my front door at Dapto Citizens Bowling Club, I had to check it out.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a photographic memory, so I can’t recall exactly what the card was. I can tell you that whoever main evented did the most egregious amount of finisher stealing I’ve ever seen. Stunners, Rock Bottoms, RKOs, Peoples Elbows, Attitude Adjustments… all the greatest hits! That said, the vibe was extremely fun, and it clearly played well into a casual, family audience.
From there, I went every month and always had a great time. The audiences grew as well- nothing like a night at the wrestling for a little escapism! I recall going to Waves- a bigger venue in the Wollongong area that often hosts musical gigs- and everything was top notch as far as a rabid crowd and a strong roster boasting the likes of Robbie Eagles, Mick Moretti and Jack Bonza alongside owner and top star Hunter Hayes, as well as some local up and comers like Captain Keato and Otis.
Like many promotions, just as Rock N Roll was establishing some serious momentum with monthly shows, emanating from City Diggers in the heart of Wollongong, the COVID pandemic brought things to a halt. But one thing Hunter Hayes and the RNR team at large does not lack is determination, a true fighting spirit. While still dealing with the aftermath of the horrible restrictions, Rock N Roll held an outdoor show in their Academy carpark. It drew 300 strong of locals starved for live entertainment, and over the past couple of years, RNR have built a strong foundation. Back at Diggers, with home-grown talent like Keato (who shockingly turned heel and rebranded himself as Moses), The Bachelor, Otis, Morgan Rose, Dicko, along with The Australian Hero, Lee Morrow, RNR has become a staple in entertainment in the Illawarra, recently expanding operations to include school holiday shows at Campbelltown RSL.
I would liken the vibe and presentation of Rock N Roll to be much like Golden Era/Hulkamania era wrestling, with an Aussie twist. Your big conquering Hero (there’s a clue in the name), Lee Morrow… instead of coming out to “I am a real American, fight for the rights of every man”, enters the arena to “Will I ever see your face again (no way, get-“… you know the words. Instead of Macho Man telling you to “snap into a Slim Jim”, there’s Jay Sorbet, dishing out some creamy scoop (slams) to everyone. Instead of the Million Dollar Man, there’s the suit-wearing Moses, strutting out to the strains of “First Class”. Instead of Rowdy Roddy Piper making the crowd sweat, there’s Otis launching water bottles at people. A wild mix of characters all in all… as well as your underdog babyface legends like Dicko and The Tradie.
So that brings us to the show I’ve chosen for today! A video where you can see this vast array of larger than life characters and so much more. A full event here, as Rock N Roll, like many promotions as of late, have upped the amount of content on their YouTube channel. Whether it’s bite-sized snacks of individual matches you’re after, or a full meal of an event to tuck into, RNR has you covered!
The main event was an emotional one, as it farewelled Ross The Cameraman, a major crowd favourite and triumph of the Rock N Roll Academy. He was getting some of the loudest reactions RNR has ever seen, but before his run could really get going, injury issues forced him to call it a day. Teaming with fellow Academy standout (and master of the 619 and Swanton) Killa Kye, they had a formidable challenge in the veteran Tag Team Champions, the Original Greasers.
Elsewhere on the card, the opener triple threat between Moses, The Tradie and Jay Sorbet was outstanding. Rock N Roll Champion Lee Morrow battled “The Grub” Otis in a hard-hitting war. And The Bachelor- who may or may not be the son of Shawn Michaels- took on the nefarious Morgan Rose, with his Dogs barking close by.
I’ve been fortunate enough to spend some time at the RNR Academy myself- while I can’t get involved in everything due to my health limitations, the whole crew have always been so kind and welcoming, and that’s the kind of attitude they exude to the community as a whole. It’s the idea of “good things happen to good people”. They give back to the Illawarra wherever they can, they support kids and people with illnesses and disabilities, all while putting on the best pro wrestling product they can and striving to improve constantly. The training the boys have been putting in pays off with the increase in quality from show to show, and a few of them- I believe it’s Bachelor, Lee Morrow, Killa Kye and Akell- are making the trip to the USA in early 2025 to train with Booker T at Reality of Wrestling (which is now a WWE ID promotion).
And speaking of early 2025… Rock N Roll are making their first trip interstate in February at the iconic Caxton Hotel in Brisbane. On the eve of AEW Grand Slam Australia, former WWE star (and former Broncos player) Xyon Quinn joins the cast of RNR Wrestlers previously mentioned in this article. As currently over 10,000 tickets have been sold for the AEW event, I’m confident that Rock N Roll will do well on that big weekend for Australian wrestling, as would other promotions running that same weekend (more on that later in the series).

To support Rock N Roll Wrestling and follow along with the excitement that currently graces Wollongong, Campbelltown, and soon to be beyond, follow their socials, and check out for more information. Before the QLD trip, RNR are holding their annual Rock N Rumble at Campbelltown RSL on January 11, with more Wollongong shows to be announced in the near future.
Current Champions
Rock N Roll Champion- Moses
RNR Tag Team Champions- Killa Kye & Hunter Hayes
RNR Womens Championship soon to be introduced.
With that, we keep the ball rolling, and tomorrow we’re heading down south to Melbourne, for some big-time action in the City!
Until next time, take care.
A man who loves his wrestling, MMA, and has been known to dabble in karaoke. Previously wrote for Snap Mayors Media and ran The Arena Media for several years. As many wrestling fans do, I often envisioned myself becoming a pro wrestling superstar, but having Cerebral Palsy makes that dream a tough one to attain. Did do a brief referee spot for Rock N Roll Wrestling and I’d love to do more non-wrestler roles if laying the Smackdown is out of my reach, but until then, I’ll be hitting you with some refreshing writing like an F5!
A very proactive and forward thinking fed