ROBBO’S 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS #1: SLAM! Pro Wrestling League

Hey everyone, my name’s Robbo, I’m a wrestling nut (err, fan, writer, “journalist”, mark, what have you) that has the pleasure of writing about things that he’s passionate about. And I bloody love pro wrestling. Especially Aussie wrestling. Our scene is up there quality/talent wise with any in the world in my opinion, and it’s from that love and admiration I have for this fine form of entertainment that I bring you this article, in between my other usual activities of teaching children, playing video games, and performing drunken karaoke. Thankfully, not all at the same time.
Getting in the Christmas spirit over here with this new series of articles! I thought I’d expand my wrestling watching during the holiday season, and in the process promote Aussie pro wrestling in general. Each day leading into Christmas, I’m going to post an article looking at a different promotion around Australia. It’s going to be a mix of powerhouse feds with high profiles on the Aussie scene, and lesser known companies, with a mix of talent and states around the country. Each article will have a video with either a full show or a full match, so that you can spend the silly season tucking into Aussie wrestling at your leisure! I hope you enjoy reading and watching as much as I’ve enjoyed writing this series.
We’re kicking it off with a big one to set the tone- let’s do this!
Day 1: SLAM! Pro Wrestling League (Canberra, ACT)
In 2021, SLAM! arrived on the Aussie wrestling scene as a strong family-friendly alternative to major Aussie feds like PWA and MCW, who tend to attract the attention of the adult wrestling fan generally. They found a strong formula early on by running less shows than their Sydney and Melbourne counterparts, but throwing their full promotional efforts behind each show they ran, gaining plenty of sponsorships along the way to keep business running smoothly. This was soon rewarded with sellouts of 500 strong at venues like Ainslie Football Club. The only place to go from there was up.
SLAM! boasts a very impressive talent roster- as something of a midpoint between Sydney and Melbourne, they’ve been able to entice the best performers from both scenes to appear on their shows. Along with a strong core group from Canberra, boasting the likes of Mikey Broderick, Luke Watts and Dan Archer, they’ve kept shows at a consistently high quality from the outset, ensuring no punter left a SLAM! show disappointed. Drawing 500+ to a show is no easy feat even for companies that have been well established for years, but within a year of operation, it became the standard for SLAM. So where could they go from there?
That question was answered approximately a year ago. SLAM! booked the National Convention Centre for Rage In The Cage. In just their 10th event ever, SLAM! drew 1,713 fans to watch Luke Watts topple Mikey Broderick inside the solid steel cage. A true triumph for Aussie wrestling, displaying it proudly as a viable form of live entertainment, with every aspect of production looking professional and as top-notch as it gets. I was fortunate enough to be there live for that one and it was a true spectacle. SLAM! didn’t put all their eggs in the steel cage basket either, putting together a strong undercard of matches that could have main evented anywhere in the country, such as Slex vs. Tommy Knight, Robbie Eagles vs. Dan Archer, and Kingsley vs. Gym Bro Jessie in a clash which saw Kingsley crowned the SLAM! Women’s Champion.
Not content with that undeniable success, SLAM! raised the bar again in 2024. Running more shows than ever, including SLAM! Academy Showcases, and they capped off the year with Rage In The Cage II. Held at the AIS Arena, the same venue that hosted WWE NXT back in 2016, SLAM! actually outdrew the worldwide company with an attendance of 2,432! I was unable to attend live, but fortunately, SLAM were generous enough to broadcast it on YouTube! (This is the portion of the article where Robbo Claus gives you some free Aussie wrestling to watch)
What an incredible feat! What I believe sets SLAM! apart from some other Aussie wrestling promotions is how they seem to treat it like a business and seem to have very clear plans in place for what they want to do and where they want to go. I won’t pretend to be versed on the inner workings of how the powers that be in SLAM! run things, just a feeling I get as a fan seeing how organised they seem to be, even with seemingly little things like putting flyers down on people’s seats at shows with a QR code to buy tickets for the following show. So, while a fan is still riding high on the euphoria of a great show, they can grab their phone and buy tickets for the next one on the spot. It’s a great strategy- admittedly, one that’s worked on me- and something I’ve seen other Aussie promotions adopt in the time since. Additionally, there’s never been an instance of SLAM having to cancel a show or any time where they’ve let fans down in any way. Just a well organised machine, seemingly.
Wherever you are in the country, SLAM! Pro Wrestling League is well worth the drive to Canberra. Hopefully, the above video was enough to entice you to make the move. Watching on YouTube is cool and all, but there’s nothing like the live experience. Plus, SLAM! crowds are generally rowdy and loud in the best, most respectful way. Immaculate vibes.
Dan Archer Interview on the success of SLAM!:
Current Champions
SLAM! Championship: Dan Archer
SLAM! Women’s Champion: Rita Stone
SLAM! Tag Team Championship: The Dropouts (The Tuckman & Scott Green)
That does it for our look at SLAM! Pro Wrestling League! I’ll be back tomorrow with more Aussie wrestling to dive into. Who’s next?
Until next time, take care.
A man who loves his wrestling, MMA, and has been known to dabble in karaoke. Previously wrote for Snap Mayors Media and ran The Arena Media for several years. As many wrestling fans do, I often envisioned myself becoming a pro wrestling superstar, but having Cerebral Palsy makes that dream a tough one to attain. Did do a brief referee spot for Rock N Roll Wrestling and I’d love to do more non-wrestler roles if laying the Smackdown is out of my reach, but until then, I’ll be hitting you with some refreshing writing like an F5!