State of Queensland Pro Wrestling 2014 – 2024, By EC Diamond

State of Queensland Pro Wrestling 2014 – 2024
By EC Diamond.
The companies and talent: Looking back at 2014 when I started my journey into professional wrestling, the scene in Queensland was very different. Not as much money went into the product. Places like AWA , IPW, UPW and PPW were the bigger promotions running at that time, with people like Rip Rielly, Thirteen, Ricky Rembrandt, Jake Nova and Tim Kade being the bigger names of the scene. At times it felt like every man for themselves and as a young fella it was pretty intimidating being in a locker room with such impressive and unique talents. But this made me the Professional Wrestler and man I am today. I personally enjoyed being a part of smaller companies like QCW where everyone would come, have fun and tell some wild and crazy stories.
Training facilities: 10 years ago, training facilities weren’t as big and recognisable as they are today. Places like AWA, IPW, QCW and QPW held training quite frequently but otherwise it was hard to find a consistent facility to train from unless you went interstate. Promotions like PWA and RCW held regular training. Now people like Trent O’day, Zeke Andino, Dick Riggs, Andre Irons, Moko Kai and Bobby Bishop are paving the way for the next generation of Pro Wrestlers. A lot of this comes down to the training facilities on offer such as Three Count, the IPW Sweat Shop and UPW offering experience from overseas, interstate and life itself. Training programs are a lot differently structured and have incorporated a lot of techniques from overseas as everyone collaborates together to build a better future.
2024: Looking at the state of Queensland in 2024 from the outside in, I’m beyond proud to be a part of what everyone is working together to build. IPW has worked their backsides off for over 20 years and are now running shows out of Dreamworld on the Gold Coast. Pro Wrestling League put a lot into their product and talent and are really successful with a wide reach, The production levels these days are through the roof compared to 10 years ago and the product itself could honestly contend with bigger interstate companies.
I loved working in Queensland wrestling in 2014 and have built some life-long friendships inside the business and some amazing memories, But looking at wrestling today brings a massive smile to my face as I see nothing but great things coming in the future. I look forward to continuing to work alongside some very talented people and amazing companies to make Queensland a genuine contender for Australia’s best state and get the recognition we all deserve.
EC Diamond.