PWA @ The Beer Shed Leumeah (23/11/2024) Review

Well, it’s nice to be back! After a bit of a break, bit of a recharge, I’m writing about Aussie pro wrestling again. You might remember me from such sites as Snap Mayors Media and my own site, The Arena Media. Unfortunately, I felt a bit of burnout being a one-man show on The Arena, but I feel like contributing where I can to PW Downunder will be a bit less stressful and make writing and wrestling fun again for me.
So this first review sees me travel 50-ish minutes from home in Wollongong up to Leumeah, a suburb of Campbelltown. A microbrewery known as The Beer Shed plays host to this PWA event, which spans across two shows, an afternoon all ages event, followed by an adults-only event in the evening. Originally, I was just going to go to the adults-only show, but a friend of mine, Lachy the Tradie, who wrestles for Wollongong-based promotion Rock and Roll Wrestling, mentioned he was wrestling on the afternoon show, so up I went for the double-header!
As it said 1pm as the show time when I bought my tickets on the PWA site, I rocked up to The Beer Shed at 12:55pm. Odd that no one was waiting at the door to scan my ticket. I notice that a large number of people sitting in the chairs are very attentive towards a person sitting on the ring apron. Uh oh. I’ve walked in on the pre-show meeting! I’m quickly greeted by the man, the myth, the legend known as Big Fudge. He’s very pleasant to me, but I kind of wanted to crawl into a hole and die as he explained 1pm was DOORS. Sure enough, in double checking the match graphics on PWA’s Instagram, it did say “doors open” in brackets. As they say in the streets, my bad!
There’s a food truck outside and they have an interesting item on the menu- deep fried pizza! I get one, and it tastes nice, but the topping to deep fried dough ratio was lacking.
I meet some friends at the door, get chatting away, then at TWO PM, the show starts! Let’s do this!
All Ages Show
Match 1: Marley Peleti vs. Nikki Van Blair
In our brief embarrasing conversation, Fudge did let me know that there’d be quite a few Academy debuts on the show, and we waste no time getting them underway as Marley Peleti makes his entrance. He’s got a lot of family in the crowd, all wearing Marley t-shirts, and give him a rockstar ovation, immediately enhancing the atmosphere. Marley himself has tremendous energy and confidence, playing to the crowd with ease. He obviously has a proud Samoan heritage, wearing the ula fala necklace. The guy next to me calls out, “I acknowledge you!”, to which Marley subtlely throws up the one in a fun little moment.
Nikki Van Blair is also a proud Samoan, and she established herself as the heel by attacking Peleti from behind, breaking his ula fala in the process. As the more experienced wrestler, she takes early control. Peleti tries to rally with a splash in the corner, but Nikki moves and blasts him with a superkick. We get a fun bit where they both headbutt each other to little effect, playing into the decades-old trope that you never headbutt a Samoan. Van Blair goes for a Samoan Drop, but Peleti escapes and hits one of his own, followed by a running hip attack in the corner. Marley heads up top for a Uso/Superfly Splash, but gets nothing but canvas. Soon after, Nikki nails her springboard X-Factor, which I believe she calls The Pretty Mess, and puts away the plucky rookie.
Winner: Nikki Van Blair
Thoughts: Awesome choice for an opener. NVB is always a riot with her character work, but the debuting Peleti was over like rover, and brought the energy, the mana in a high-level way. A ton of fun and I can’t wait to see his progression through the ranks at PWA.
Match 2: Third Eye (Xander Sullivan & Ty Thayer) vs. Jackie Lazarus & Kaye E Prince
Third Eye does some mic work pre-match for some easy heat. They call the crowd “sheep”, so a bunch of us “baa” in response. It’s a good time.
There’s a high level of action in this match. Jackie (of “check the time” fame) and Kaye E spend decent portions of the match getting beat down, as Third Eye are the more established unit, they’re able to cut off several moments of hope. Jackie is able to shine on a hot tag, wiping out both members of Third Eye with a cross body. Third Eye score with some big tandem moves, including a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo I was sure would be it, but no, the newer guys fight on (not debutants- Jackie made his non-ref debut at Mounties, and Kaye E has been floating around PWA undercards for a while).
Eventually, a double-team pendulum powerbomb spells the end for the younger team. A valiant effort nonetheless.
Winners: Third Eye
Thoughts: This exceeded expectations. I didn’t have a stopwatch on it, but it felt like a decent length, when I feared it could be more of a squash. All four guys got a chance to show their stuff, and there were a number of what seemed to be false finishes, which helped Jackie and Kay gain something in defeat, showing their toughness.
North Shore Wrestling- comprised of Will Kiedis and Sam Osborne- come out to talk some smack. They heel on the crowd (of course), but also promote upcoming shows. Seems slightly weird to use the big baddies to do the promotional work like that, but they also set up the next sponsored athlete (through the “North Shore ID” program- okay, that popped me).
Match 3: Big Hogez vs. Skater Boi Pidgey
Even though Hogez was positioned as a bad guy with the North Shore alignment, our group couldn’t help but cheer him on. He talked to us before the show and seemed like such a nice fella!
Hogez had the size advantage on Pidgey (as most wrestlers do), and was pretty successful in beating down the Skater Boi and wearing him down with submissions. Ultimately, Pidgey had to use his evasive abilities and speed in hitting a flurry of strikes to come back. No Wing Attack, sadly. In the end, Pidgey got sky high with his Frog Splash, and that’s all she wrote!
Winner: Skater Boi Pidgey
Thoughts: Good outing for both guys. I feel like Hogez could be an effective bruiser in the future- his look and style does remind me somewhat of Jack Bonza. Not near that level yet obviously, but that’s what’s cool about seeing these Academy talents showcased, it could be the start of something great. The first time I saw Matty Wahlberg- now Grayson Waller- was at an Academy show.
We go to a brief intermission. Time to stretch my legs and get another beer!
Match 4: Lachy The Tradie vs. Melissa Averillo
Melissa comes out to Diesel’s theme music, fitting as she’s quite a tall lady. She mocks The Tradie’s height in the early going, looking for a test of strength but placing her hands too high to reach. She lays the boots into Tradie, who welts up noticeably very quickly. He reaches deep into his toolbox of tricks though, with a vertical suplex into a falcon arrow. A flying clothesline from the top rope has Mel on her heels, and a ripcord sidewalk slam and Whisper in the Wind result in some strong near falls.
Tradie builds his confidence, and the crowd- who started with a polite response towards him- are getting more solidly behind him as the match goes on. He goes for a springboard cutter- adrenaline in his soul, but is countered with a crushing full nelson slam, and with that high impact, it’s tools down for the Tradie.
Winner: Melissa Averillo
Thoughts: A hard-hitting match, and while I was there for Tradie, it was really cool to see more of Melissa too, who I’d only seen previously doing limited work in tag matches. Very enjoyable match that built up well to the unique finish.
Main Event: Big Fudge & Billy Preston vs. King & El Phoenician
I didn’t quite catch Phoenician’s partner’s name- may have been “Malik”? Anyway, there’s KING written on his shorts so we’ll stick to that right now, I’ll possibly edit in the right name once I get it.
They do a funny pre-match bit where Billy insists that Phoenician change his ring gear, since they’re both wearing similar white and gold attire. They do a scissors/paper/rock battle to determine who’s going to change clothes, but a sneaky attack by Billy and Fudge sees the tag match start with everyone in their clothes! (This is a kid-friendly show, after all)
Like Marley earlier, Phoenician is supported by family or friends in the crowd. They have signs and are loudly cheering. So oddly, we have perennial babyfaces, who would especially appeal to a younger audience, that being Fudge and Billy, actually playing the heels. We get some beating down of the debuting wrestlers, and Phoenician does well with the hot tag, splashing and striking whenever he can. Eventually, the experience of Fudge and Billy is too much for the rookies. Fudge hits a chokeslam, sending one of them rolling to the floor in front of us, and since my eyes were on that, I missed what Billy hit to win the match for his team. But a win is a win is a win!
Winners: Big Fudge and Billy Preston
Thoughts: A good, solid tag match with memorable character moments pre-match enhancing things. Phoenician was dialed in with his character too- always helps with having the people in your corner, which he definitely did.
Fudge gets on the mic and puts over the effort of the Academy students, and asks us if we’re coming to the adults only show. You betcha!
In between shows, I head over to Macarthur Square. I get a chicken and gravy roll (uni flashbacks), which hits the spot far better than the deep fried pizza.
Adults Show- 7:30pm
Got in just after 6pm (the doors open time) and I’m thinking we might start 6:30 or 7pm at the latest. Nope, 7:30. Probably wanted to leave more time for us to drink beers. Unfortunately, I had to drive home, so while I had a couple of beers, I swapped to Coke for a while.
Match 1: Sam Osborne vs. Paris De Silva
We’ve got North Shore Wrestling vs. New Japan Pro Wrestling! The Velocities (Paris & Jude) had a great showing for themselves in the Super Jr Tag League a few weeks ago. Osborne dominates the early going with his size and power. Eventually, Paris knocks Osborne to the outside and locks him in the Throne (backpack abdominal stretch) next to the bar. He requests a beer and the bartender obliges. Here’s to Paris, he’s true blue…
Back in the ring, Osborne gets back on offense for a time, including his beautiful backbreaker/T-Bone suplex combo which gets a near fall. He then lands his Stormbreaker-esque finisher but Paris kicks out again. Some rapid fire kicks follow by De Silva, then the gorgeous Shooting Star Press sees a successful return to PWA action after his Japan run!
Winner: Paris De Silva
Thoughts: Classic big heel vs. undersized babyface battle between two of the most polished performers on the PWA roster. Osborne is such a great, smarmy bastard in his role, successfully getting under everyone’s skin with ease, and Paris’ high flying style is always a crowd favourite.
Speaking of New Japan… the Soul of PWA Champion, Robbie Eagles is back! He’s issued an open challenge to any top PWA Academy prospect… and it’s our man Marley Peleti from the afternoon show! Then, straight from the Kurt Angle/John Cena playbook, Robbie asks Marley what makes him think he can step up. Peleti responds, “Mana, you f**king bitch!” Mana, Ruthless Aggression, same same.
Match 2: Robbie Eagles vs. Marley Peleti
Title not on the line, but a win here could get Marley a future Soul of PWA title shot! Following his decimation of the Tuckman earlier this year at PWA Ringmasters, Eagles is in full heel mode, mocking the crowd and his opponent, and adding a vicious edge to his attack, really blasting the rookie’s legs with kicks.
As the more experienced competitor by decades, Eagles controls much of the match, with Peleti finding small moments of hope. Marley finally manages to drop Robbie and looks for the Uso Splash. Robbie moves and Marley rolls through, but comes up a bit gingerly on his leg. The champ back on the attack and locks in the Ron Miller Special, but Marley makes the ropes. He gets Robbie down again and goes back up top- leg be damned- and hits the splash for a great near fall.
Marley has for sure shown his mana, his fighting spirit, whatever you want to call it, but Robbie goes back to the Ron Miller Special submission. There’s only so much the human body can take, and Marley taps! Awesome showing in his second ever match against one of Australia’s best.
Winner: Robbie Eagles
Thoughts: You’re basically guaranteed a very good match at least when Robbie Eagles is in the house, but Marley held his own, with poise and confidence, winning over the crowd big time. Also, he had a new ula fala for this match after Nikki Van Blair broke the first one. Seems like a very bright future for Marley Peleti!
Ricky South makes his entrance for another mystery opponent situation, with the owner of the Beer Shed, Jai, picking who Ricky will face. The Vengaboys “We Like To Party” blares from the speakers- it’s Party Boy Jax Jordan! He’s gotten himself a Slim Shady haircut and has also gotten himself in amazing shape!
Match 3: Ricky South vs. Party Boy Jax Jordan
Ricky protests in the early going, saying, “he’s the cameraman!” as Jax whales on him with flurries of punches. The fight spills to ringside (and barside) and Jax downs a beer. He’s a piss pot through and through.
Back in the ring, Ricky lays in the chops and boots. They go for a superplex and there’s a scary moment where it looks like they’re both going to fall badly, but Jax lands on top in a cross body of sorts for a near fall. Ricky ups the aggression and kicks the middle rope into Jax’s face, busting his lip open. The blood adds to the spectacle as Jax grits his teeth and continues his uphill battle against the former PWA Champion.
Beer Shed owner Jai has had enough and after being taunted by Ricky, gets up on the apron. Jai shoves South- right into a roll up by Jax, which gets the 3 count!
Winner: Party Boy Jax Jordan
Thoughts: This felt like a long match, but not in a bad way by any means. Really gritty, tough battle, with Jax as a major underdog with passion and energy, putting in the fight of his life against someone who’s been at the very top of the pecking order. Ricky was his usual excellent self and made a very convincing foil for the energetic Jordan. I’m between this and the Robbie Eagles match as my favourites of the day.
Intermission time. I walk outside for some air- very hot day- and Marley is out there talking to some mates. He’s limping heavily- so either VERY committed to selling or he’s actually busted up his knee a bit. Great performances regardless!
Match 4: Jimmy Townsend vs. El Phoenician (w/ King)
Jimmy was originally set to face Jack Bonza, but he’s not here, a fact Jimmy laments on the mic pre-match. Instead, he’s got the dancing, bright Phoenician in his second ever match. Jimmy stomps on Phoenician’s head dress and the match gets underway.
Fairly one-sided stuff, a showcase for Jimmy for the most part. The crowd enjoys the rookie but he hasn’t got much chance here. In a message to his opponent at PWA Kick-Ons in December, Jimmy ends the match with a curb stomp. Shades of Mick Moretti, indeed!
Winner: Jimmy Townsend
Thoughts: Felt like a last-minute match, nothing particularly bad about it, but not a lot that’s overly memorable either. Jimmy’s attitude was on point, and when someone in the crowd calls him a wannabe Logan Paul, Jimmy responds, “so you’re saying I look like a handsome billionaire?” Nicely handled.
Match 4: Positively Silly (Billy Preston & Cosmo Cooper) vs. The Backslide Girlz (Kingsley & Shay Kassidy)
Nick Wray puts a Chelsea Green-esque twist on his voice when announcing Positively Silly. I love you, brother, but that was a little cringe.
Pre-match, both teams have a dance-off. Kingsley and Shay go for the sexy vibe, while Cosmo and Billy in particular hilariously imitate them. Genuinely one of the highlights of the whole show, I couldn’t stop laughing!
Quick tags between the Backsliderz, isolating Billy from his corner. He breaks free and looks to make the tag to Cosmo, but Kingsley rips him off the apron. A while later, we do get the hot tag and a whole lot of energy as Cosmo fires up, but Shay cuts him off and applies the deadly backslide for the win! Like the old schoolboy of the Prefects, no one kicks out of it!
Winners: The Backslide Girlz
Thoughts: Action-wise, the match itself was your standard tag match, but the true joy and entertainment value was in the character work. All four did well with it, but Billy and Kingsley particularly stole the show with their expressions and off the cuff remarks.
Main Event: PWA Championship- Will Kiedis vs. Jessica Troy (c)
Jess wastes no time going to collect Will’s arm. Kiedis scurries to ringside and the champ gives chase. She dives off the bar- the use of the bar is probably the main thematic difference between the all ages show and the adults show.
With Kiedis in trouble courtesy of the Fujiwara armbar, his teammate Sam Osborne tries to intervene, but is headed off by Paris De Silva, returning the favour from the opening match. In amongst the chaos, Kiedis is able to blast Jess with the title belt undetected. Even with the underhanded tactics, Jess kicks out!
An infuriated Kiedis headbutts the ref, knocking him out and slams Jess, calling for another ref. We get one, another kickout, another headbutt. We repeat this until we have 5 knocked out refs. Finally, our 6th ref, Jackie, wears a helmet. Kiedis headbutts Jackie, hurting himself, allowing Jess to hit a slam and pin for the 3 count!
Winner: Jessica Troy
Thoughts: The ending in particular was so silly and fun. Kiedis isn’t afraid to look silly, and it was a riot for this audience and atmosphere. Good action before that throughout too.
Post-match, Jess hypes the next PWA Black Label show on Dec 14, and asks if PWA should come back to the Beer Shed. Of course it’s a yes from the people, and the show ends there!
Overall Thoughts
PWA Beer Shed shows are always fun. One day, I won’t drive up, I’ll get a room so I can truly get on the beers. But the couple of Picton Pale Ales I had were nice. The wrestlers always seem a little more relaxed and loose on these shows than the Black Label show, and in that sense, I guess it’s a more low pressure environment for the PWA Academy students. Everyone did well. I thought Marley was a standout from his first match, and evidently, PWA think that too, giving him Robbie Eagles in the second session.
Can’t wait for the next one!
Overall Score: 8.5/10
Until next time, take care.
A man who loves his wrestling, MMA, and has been known to dabble in karaoke. Previously wrote for Snap Mayors Media and ran The Arena Media for several years. As many wrestling fans do, I often envisioned myself becoming a pro wrestling superstar, but having Cerebral Palsy makes that dream a tough one to attain. Did do a brief referee spot for Rock N Roll Wrestling and I’d love to do more non-wrestler roles if laying the Smackdown is out of my reach, but until then, I’ll be hitting you with some refreshing writing like an F5!