The Giants Of Aussie Wrestling… PART 1

By Josh ‘Kyote’ Taylor
The Giants Of Aussie Wrestling past present and future….PART 1
Hello there my friends it’s wonderful to be chatting with you all again. Massive thanks to Marek for reaching out to me.
Today my friends I’m going to take you on a little trip down memory lane as I have been given a truly monstrous task of talking about my top big men of Aussie wrestling that I had the honor and privilege to work with during my in ring career.
I have worked with some of the biggest & meanest & most bad ass larger then life gentlemen. These men all helped me grow in ring and outside the ring.
Skhorn: Skhorn is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best and most underrated big guys in Aussie wrestling. Strong & tall and powerful and down right insane this man was my champion tag team partner in MIW now IPW Australia back in 2005-2006 we also use to love beating the holy hell out of each other. Skhorn is a freak of natural and crazy athletic was also the first person to throw me around like a rag doll. Skhorn is still wrestling to this day in IPW on the Gold Coast so make sure you give him some love please.
Adam Bruiser: Adam was a man that really understood and got the art of story telling and psychology he and myself worked together many times up and down the east coast. Adam made me learn to slow down and make everything count there was never a missed moment or step when working with him. Adam made me better working from him and I’m so grateful for his teachings & everything he did for me between 2007-2010.
Rip Riley: Brother, friend, tag team partner, foe so many other titles my friends let me tell you about The Monster who loves everything about pro wrestling. I first got to meet and work with Rip in PROWL and I still to this day have no idea how we did not destroy that ring haha. Rip is a person who’s goal inside the ring is to make sure you walk away and say HOLY SHIT!!! Rip and I have had countless battles and damn near killed each other for this industry and the fans. Rip and myself made magic each time we stepped into the ring together and the man is truly one of the best ever and I’m so proud of everything he has achieved.
When asked to write this the idea was doing a top 5 and as I type this right know I know it would be a disservice as many men helped me so I’m going to make sure I don’t leave anyone out. I hope you have enjoyed this little trip down a path of wonderful memories and I hope I can share more with you soon.
Much love & giant hugs.
Part two coming soon…