Wrestlerock 40 Results

On Friday 25th July, Wrestlerock held its 40th show marking 18 years of Wrestlerock. This meant this show was going to be big! Boy they weren’t wrong with the inclusion of Japanese superstar KENTA (New Japan & WWE) to face Gino Gambino at this event!

Below are the results from the show.

Jake Taylor d. Sam Yannis, Tyson Reed, Krackerjak & Mad Dog to become #1 Contender.

Jake Taylor would become the new number one contender in which he would be eligible to cash in the opportunity at any given time. The history between Krackerjak and Mad Dog was well noted by commentary as both have had previous bouts at the Corner Hotel where blood has been spilled. Needless to say, these two were at it again brawling all over the venue. Sam Yannis and Tyson Reed would do all they can but with Krackerjak facing Tyson Reed at Renegades on Sunday. We would see Tyson brawl with Krackerjak in this match too. This leaves Jake Taylor wide open and with nobody focusing on Jake, he would secure the victory!

Fun Time Phil d. Murdoch

A comedic match between the two. Fun Time Phil had the crowd chanting “CHIPS!” as he came out throwing packet of Smith’s chips. Murdoch would be furious and stated he wanted to wrestle, Phil just wanted a Fun Time. They brawled and included a spot where Phil would use the chip to try make Murdoch bleed from his forehead. However Murdoch would crinkle the chips and step on the packet leading to a chorus of boos. Phil would then win the match via a roll-up leaving Murdoch more furious.

JXT d. Matt Hayter

These two have history as they were originally part of “Amount Rushmore” with Fun Time Phil. However last show JXT had a title opportunity but Matt Hayter would superkick JXT and cost him from winning. Now, the end of “Amount Rushmore” comes to this match. These two would turn this match into an ECW match with trash cans and tables being used. Whilst this match was evenly contested, Hayter would eventually tape the lid of a trash can to his foot as he prepared for the Sweet Chin Music. Fun Time Phil would make his way to the ring and distract Matt Hayter allowing JXT to roll Hayter up for three and get the victory to the crowds approval!

Tarlee & Uncle Beej d. Vixsin & Lochy Hendricks

This was seen as a match made in heaven versus a match made in hell. Over the past few shows, Beej and Tarlee have had a connection (a relationship). Lochy Hendricks has had issues with Uncle Beej being drunk and interrupting everything Lochy has tried to do. Lochy got on the microphone before the match and said he needed to end this relationship that Tarlee and Uncle Beej have but he’s found someone who could do that. The return of the Hardcore Bitch, Vixsin! The match started off with Lochy and Vixsin dominating before Tarlee found a way to fight back with the help of Uncle Beej. It wasn’t long before Sebastian Walker appeared at ringside and told Lochy Hendricks to forget about this match as it’s not for him. Walker would then tell Lochy if he walked out with him that he could send him to the very top. Lochy without thinking twice walked away leaving Vixsin stranded. Tarlee and Beej would take the opportunity here and finish Vixsin off with a double chokeslam. The crowd was red-hot and chanted for Uncle Beej and Tarlee to kiss (to my knowledge they hadn’t yet) but they kiss and celebrate and the crowd once again cheered.

KENTA d. Gino Gambino

KENTA who is an international superstar from Japan, has predominantly wrestled with New Japan Pro Wrestling and was in WWE made his way into the Corner Hotel to a mixed reaction. Gino Gambino would have half the crowd cheering for him. The match would start with KENTA trying to get the crowd to cheer for him but again it would be split. During the match the crowd would cheer KENTA a bit more. This match showed that Gino and KENTA both had vicious strikes in them. In the end it was KENTA who delivered blows of strong kicks to Gino’s chest before lifting him up and delivering a Go-To-Sleep! After the match they both give a “Too-Sweet” to one another and hugged in respect.

This would be short lived as Lochy Hendricks would attack Gino Gambino immediately, hyping up Sundays match at Renegades of Wrestling. KENTA would immediately help Gino Gambino and deliver a Go To Sleep on Lochy Hendricks. But that wasn’t all, with GORE coming out with his brother Krackerjak staring down KENTA before a huge brawl breaks out requiring the entire roster to stop GORE and KENTA! These two will do battle as well at Renegades of Wrestling on Sunday!

Jake Andrewartha v. Caveman Ugg

Jake Andrewartha, a former Commonwealth Games medalist in Judo who became a wrestler has held the Wrestlerock championship for over 400 days! Caveman Ugg would prove to be his biggest test yet. These two would deliver a true hoss fight with Ugg delivering a chop that could possibly be heard around the world. Andrewartha would use his Judoka skills and throw Ugg around like a rag doll. Mind you, Caveman Ugg and Jake Andrewartha are pretty similar in height and size! These two would absolutely destroy one another and this allowed an opportunity for a cash in…

Enter Jake Taylor

Jake Taylor would see both Andrewartha and Ugg laying down struggling to get back to their feet. Ugg would be first to get onto his knees but Jake would deliver a running knee strike knocking Ugg out before delivering a “Gallows Pole” type finisher on Andrewartha. The crowd in awe at Jake Taylor’s strength sees Jake making the quick pinfall and dethroning the 400-day reign of Jake Andrewartha in front of a packed Corner Hotel!

Stay tuned on Wrestlerock socials via Facebook and X (Twitter) for upcoming shows.

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