Chris Jericho Rules Out Retirement In The Near Future

Chris Jericho has been a prominent member of the All Elite Wrestling roster since the promotion’s inception in 2019. At 53 years of age, Jericho has spent the better part of three decades of his life in a wrestling ring and doesn’t intend to step back anytime soon.

Speaking on the McGuire On Wrestling podcast, Jericho explained his current thoughts regarding stepping away from the ring:

I’ll know when it’s time, I’m having a lot of fun and still contributing significantly. I can still deliver top matches on any given night, not always, but often enough. I love what we’re doing with AEW right now, so there’s no hurry to retire. When the time comes, I’ll know. For now, as long as I’m having fun and feeling good in and out of the ring, there’s no reason to stop.

Chris Jericho on the McGuire On Wrestling podcast 10/7/24

Despite his enthusiasm to continue, many fans have been actively vocal at shows and on social media demanding for Jericho to “please retire”.

Reasons for these chants range from Jericho’s refusal to acknowledge AEW’s shortcomings to criticism regarding his matches, angles and gimmicks.

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