IMPACT Wrestling Australian Tour – PWDU Talent Announcement!

Last week PWDU commenced coverage of the upcoming IMPACT Wrestling tour of Wagga Wagga with talent announcements to date. Two more wrestlers have been announced since then, and PWDU can exclusively reveal a third wrestler today.
Motor City Machine Guns
Accolades: Former 3x IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team champions, former ROH, GCW and New Japan Strong tag champions, both are former X-Division champions, Sabin is also a former Heavyweight champion
Personally, these guys are the tour’s biggest drawcard to date. They’ve become tag team royalty over the last 15 years, working and winning belts everywhere. After a quiet few years during the 2010s when Shelley adjusted his priorities, they’ve come back as a veteran team now, still as fast and crisp as ever, and working everywhere they can. Shelley is currently getting a push in IMPACT and is due to challenge Steve Maclin for the title at Against All Odds before the Wagga tour.
I believe both guys are undertaking their first Australian tour, and whether they face off with IMPACT talent or with local talent (The Velocities anyone?), it’s going to rule.
Brian Myers
Accolades: Former IMPACT Digital Media Champion, former TNA Tag Team Champion, former WWE Tag Team Champion.
PWDU can exclusively announce today that Brian Myers, the former Curt Hawkins in WWE, will be appearing on the upcoming IMPACT shows in Wagga.
Speaking on the Major Wrestling Figure Podcast Whatnot show with Matt Cardona and Smart Mark Sterling, Myers responded to a question from PWDU’s correspondent confirming that he would be touring Australia this month.
Myers’ most recent Australian tour was earlier this year, when he joined World Series Wrestling’s Unleash Hell tour.

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Stay tuned to PWDownunder and follow us on Twitter @PWDownundercom for further updates on the upcoming IMPACT Wrestling Australian tour.
Tickets are available to both IMPACT Wrestling shows, and to the Conrad Thompson live shows in Wagga and in Melbourne (on 7 July) at
IMPACT announced that this tour will have a presence on Fite TV – we will keep you informed of that when news comes to hand.
Lifelong wrestling fan. Decade-long fan of local wrestling. Writer. Aspiring interviewer… if it weren’t for that pesky, crippling anxiety!