Rising Star Spotlight – Solomun Blackwell

Aspiring wrestlers are a dime a dozen (I would know, I’ve been one) and on average it takes
years to find a foothold in this ruthless industry, but in only eighteen months Solomun Blackwell
has proved that he is by no means average, which is why he is this week’s PWDownunder
Rising Star.
Having started his journey at the EPW School of Pro Wrestling, with coaching from Gavin
McGavin, “The End” began honing the high impact and technically precise style that has made
him popular within the wrestling industry. Then after being given the advice to take his talents
across the country, Solomun set up shop in Queensland where, with the help of 3-Count Pro
Wrestling Academy, he added the slickness that has captivated fans from east to west.
Passing through such hands makes it no surprise that Blackwell has built the brand that he has
in the year and a half that he’s been performing in the squared circle. Solomun debuted at
PWL’s Project Revolution 3, putting Queensland on notice with an impressive effort against
Outback Adam and Saxon Turner in triple threat action. He then further intrigued fans with his
Solomun Season promo declaring that he wanted to be the guy, since then he has wrestled
against some of Australia’s best for Australia’s best companies alongside his stable “Top Tier”.
With his resume looking like it does after only eighteen months, it’s obvious he’s on the way to
becoming The Guy.

Performer Profile
Name: “The End” Solomun Blackwell
Birthplace: New Zealand
Birthday: 17th June
Debut Date: 9th October 2021
Finisher: Storybook Ending (Submission Manoeuvre)
Blackwell has competed for:
● Pro Wrestling League (QLD)
● Wide Bay Pro Wrestling (QLD)
● Queensland Wrestling Alliance (QLD)
● PWA Black Label (NSW)
● Wrestle Rampage (SA)
● Explosive Pro Wrestling (WA)
In his travels he has competed against the likes of:
● Outback Adam
● Dick Riggs
● Renegade
● Rufio
● BroDay (Gabriel Zaya & Trent O’day)
● Edward Dusk
● Bobby Bishop
● Adam Brooks
● The VeloCities (Paris De Silva & Jude London)
● Nick Armstrong
● Robby Heart
● PunchDrunk Istria
Fun Fact: When he’s not kicking people in the head Solomun can be found creating horror films.
As mentioned above, you can catch Solomun in Queensland and Adelaide but if you live in
Perth it gets better as Blackwell has just announced he’s moving back to Western Australia and
basing himself there. If he’s not at your local then you can find him on Facebook and Instagram.
Go like and follow to watch him grow throughout the coming years as he builds a name for
himself in the world of pro wrestling.
Promo Link: https://www.facebook.com/prowrestlingleagueaus/videos/574637034238059
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/solomunblackwell
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/solomunblackwell/